Michelle was 25 and embarking on a brilliant career as a top model when she fell four metres while painting her house. When she got to the hospital she was in a coma with high ICP and was treated with bilateral decompressive craniectomy. After a few weeks, she got out of her coma but all she could say was 'yes' and 'no'. Her right arm was affected by hemiplegia. Also, when she looked in the mirror, she needed to come to grips with looks which were no more appropriate for a model. But here came into play all the resources needed to recover the lost quality of life. The first step consisted in reconstructing her cranial cavity.
After the bioceramic prosthesis was surgically implanted, Michelle could talk and joke around again.
She overcame hemiplegia and her arm could move as before. She recovered her terrific looks. Eventually she could leave the hospital. A few months later, just one year after the trauma, she returned to the set to take part in a photo shooting. Michelle has resumed her normal life, is as beautiful as she was, if not more beautiful, and is back on track to pursue her dream of being a top model.