Llars suffered a cranial injury following an accident at work. He thought they would replace his original bone, but they decided for a prosthesis. The wound healed very well in a short period of time. He had a high regeneration rate and the operative result was very good. Surgeons haven’t seen any difference in terms of symmetry to the other side and the cosmetic quality was also excellent. The scalp has grown back over it very well and it is a pleasant feeling for Llars to have some protection there again.
The implant made of hydroxyapatite, a close match synthetic version of the natural occurring hydroxyapatite within human bone, guaranteed the regenerative process.
Like natural bone, the bioceramic version is macro and micro porous. It’s such a good fit the growth cells from natural bone can easily propagate through the macropores, encouraging rapid vascularisation. Over a period of months, bone and prosthetic grow together to become virtually indistinguishable.