Carla was 57 when the accident occured.
After the cranioplasty, she felt to be healed. She was not able to find something where the own bone finished and the prosthesis started. She can carry out all her activities normally as before. Within six weeks, the borders between the prosthetic and the skull will have fused. After about 6 to 10 months, the original fragile implant has become like natural bone.
Physiologically and mechanically it performs like bone. Aesthetically, it’s a perfect fit without risk of rejection or reabsorption.
Dr. Staffa (surgeon) “I would like to say something more about the cranioplasty. This kind of material and procedure is a very safe procedure because of the lowest risk of infection and of rejection. The material is very similar to the natural human bone and for his physical condition we have a high probability to have a regrowth of the bone inside the scaffold done by the prosthesis.”
A patient who experienced the second serious head injury 11 months after implantation provides an unexpected proof that it behaves like living tissue. It was no need for further surgical intervention because the bioactive implant fused and regroup like normal.